I am taking a break from my blog got to much to think of...
the week that was...
I dono didnt really have any energy for writing since last week i feelt like i had to much hormones in my body and i just didnt feel for doing anything.
But in shortly i mostly worked or i did work every day from 7-19 so get really tired from that.
we visited the playground and had a little picknic there.

was great weather, 12 degrees and sun

We also played some fotball and tennis but got no pics on that.

Entrance of the playground.
And Andrea came for coffie wednseday that was allot of fun.
Friday had we nothing to do so we baked muffins

But in shortly i mostly worked or i did work every day from 7-19 so get really tired from that.
we visited the playground and had a little picknic there.

was great weather, 12 degrees and sun

We also played some fotball and tennis but got no pics on that.

Entrance of the playground.
And Andrea came for coffie wednseday that was allot of fun.
Friday had we nothing to do so we baked muffins

Super slow updating
Havent really got time or energy for writing so i will do it now.
The weekend was great I spended all my time with Dave. Friday we ate Chinese and saw Pirets of carbieen dead mans chest.
Saturday we gamed and went to the cinema to see Love and other drugs. Was a great movie but a bit slow ending.
Sunday we chilled and watched Big Bang Theroy.
Monday i had a super bad day i just ate chocolate and did nothing.
Today was allot fo fun, Morris and i went on an "adventure" over a big bridge and the way to geldrome.
The weekend was great I spended all my time with Dave. Friday we ate Chinese and saw Pirets of carbieen dead mans chest.
Saturday we gamed and went to the cinema to see Love and other drugs. Was a great movie but a bit slow ending.
Sunday we chilled and watched Big Bang Theroy.
Monday i had a super bad day i just ate chocolate and did nothing.
Today was allot fo fun, Morris and i went on an "adventure" over a big bridge and the way to geldrome.
All done
Now im soon gonna get dave at the station and go eat china food and see pirates of carabien on tv with him. gosh i am so hungry i could kill someone!
weii onepiece
I had nothing to do and my spending pockets burns so i klicked home a new cosy thing from onepiece cus i am so sick of freazing in the night and during the day in the house. I know we are moving soon but no guarantee that house is warmer.

thats how it looks like love the color

thats how it looks like love the color
free today
This morning i woke up by morris and though oke now i have to work but he said we are gonna look for houses in 20 min I where like ahh ok stress. Then i heard his mom calling him and said hurry up we are leaving morris. Phu dont need to come with them cus I got some things to do in town and clean.
Just done with cleaning and I am going to get dressed and go in to town.
Just done with cleaning and I am going to get dressed and go in to town.
Im so tired, sleept really bad and was a long day or not so but felt like forever.
Gonna sleep now and hopefully im i free tommorrow.
Gonna sleep now and hopefully im i free tommorrow.
Im just back from the gym and i did some cardio and 15 min of abtraining, its fun but hard.
my room is now cleaned since dave comes friday i dont want it to be a huge mess as always XD I had the whole morning free and now Morris father is in delft for housesearching.
Morris is now in bath cus i thought his hair was a bit dirty.
Morris is now in bath cus i thought his hair was a bit dirty.
I will paint the world with colors
I hell dono what happend to me but i am really creative yesterday i finnished another one of my abstract paintings. Now im i working on another one. Thanks again mom and dad for the new copic markers :D
Oeps slow updating but awesome weekend
I havent been writing here for a while. But this weekend i been busy. Friday it was ment that Dave should come over but he was still sick so he couldnt. Then i went to Andrea for dinner and girltalk it was fun!
Weird thing was that it was really warm in saturday when we went to my place for coffie. 11 degrees warm!

Friday i also baked cookies with morris

Saturdy afternoon i went to bergen to dave had allot of fun, went in alkmaar, had dinner at his father played wii and a dancegame witch i sucked badly in except the zumba song hahah But nina and dave where real good at that game! We also played Mario kart wii that was easier.
We also played the funny game ranking me ranking you as last weekend but this time where it harder questions.
Sunday we gamed i tried a fotball game first time ever was fun and i scored one time and final score was 8-1 to dave.. Halo is more my thing XD
In the afternoon we went bowling with Mathieu and Nina that was great was ages since i bowled.
Now its monday and new week I am free today and im gonna chill with painting all day..
Weird thing was that it was really warm in saturday when we went to my place for coffie. 11 degrees warm!

Friday i also baked cookies with morris

Saturdy afternoon i went to bergen to dave had allot of fun, went in alkmaar, had dinner at his father played wii and a dancegame witch i sucked badly in except the zumba song hahah But nina and dave where real good at that game! We also played Mario kart wii that was easier.
We also played the funny game ranking me ranking you as last weekend but this time where it harder questions.
Sunday we gamed i tried a fotball game first time ever was fun and i scored one time and final score was 8-1 to dave.. Halo is more my thing XD
In the afternoon we went bowling with Mathieu and Nina that was great was ages since i bowled.
Now its monday and new week I am free today and im gonna chill with painting all day..
yesterday after lunch time did me morris and his dad go to Rotterdam with the car to look up some school for morris. It was fun and i think Rotterdam was a cool city. Really big was it and some houses where really beautiful and modern and some where old and lovley. There where also houses that wasent really nice but in general I didnt think it was so bad as everyone said.

I am so good!
haha maybe not but for dinner I made the most delicious salamon pasta sauce.
Now I just stepped out the shower and I am waiting for my facialmask to be done in a few minutes, then Im I going to watch a movie. I skip Zumba today feel a bit ill with headache.
During the day I didn´t have to work so becasue the father of morris is at home. I went to the gym for cutting my contract since we are moving february.
I also applied for a prepatory course in Amsterdam for design next year incase i wont be accepted in any of the schools i wanna go 2. Always good with a backup plan.
Did clean my room too haha always gets messy hell dono how i succed..
Tommorrow are we going to Rotterdam to look for a house..
Now I just stepped out the shower and I am waiting for my facialmask to be done in a few minutes, then Im I going to watch a movie. I skip Zumba today feel a bit ill with headache.
During the day I didn´t have to work so becasue the father of morris is at home. I went to the gym for cutting my contract since we are moving february.
I also applied for a prepatory course in Amsterdam for design next year incase i wont be accepted in any of the schools i wanna go 2. Always good with a backup plan.
Did clean my room too haha always gets messy hell dono how i succed..
Tommorrow are we going to Rotterdam to look for a house..
Back to work after a great weekend!
friday I went to Bergen to celebrate new year, that was really fun and not at all like we do it in sweden or atleast not me since mom and dad mostly likes to escape new year and christmas to warmer places.
Erin picked me up at the station at 16 then he had to paint a wall at his moms place and then Dave came and we went to Erins dads place for dinner. I was gonna made lasange but the minced meat where finnished so Erin made pancakes was good.
we had no beer so we started with jaeger hahah (me and Dave)
Then we went to Martijns place, where it was a big fire or we made it after we had fireworks. Stayed there late by the fire and talked

The guys wanted to go for a dive in the sea haha so after a long sleep we went there I did not swim.
but they did and allot of other dutch people.

I thought it was to could for swiming and not fun to play with morris when being sick.
I went with Dave, Mathieu and Nina to Alkmaar city for looking around and some shopping.
Alkmaar is a really beauiful city with a funny guy that sang and looked crazy .

Erin picked me up at the station at 16 then he had to paint a wall at his moms place and then Dave came and we went to Erins dads place for dinner. I was gonna made lasange but the minced meat where finnished so Erin made pancakes was good.
we had no beer so we started with jaeger hahah (me and Dave)

Then we went to Martijns place, where it was a big fire or we made it after we had fireworks. Stayed there late by the fire and talked

The guys wanted to go for a dive in the sea haha so after a long sleep we went there I did not swim.
but they did and allot of other dutch people.

I thought it was to could for swiming and not fun to play with morris when being sick.
I went with Dave, Mathieu and Nina to Alkmaar city for looking around and some shopping.
Alkmaar is a really beauiful city with a funny guy that sang and looked crazy .

Oud en nieuw