poker playing, Meatballs making and entertaining Morris

today i did allot of things after morris went in bath we played with his train and a hut he made and we prike (that is some kind of creative thing you do with a sharp stick and paper and you prik around a figure and the paint it) hard to desribe.

We also played some more after lunch i wanted him to sleep so he will not be grumpy. Didnt work so i put him infront of Madagascar 2. While he watched that i played some poker for the money i won when netherlands won over sweden (i did bet on tie aswell so didnt fully let down my homecountry) was fun to play poker.

After that we went to AH for shopping some dinner, went great and when we got back we made some figures out of paper and tejp. After that i make for the first time in my life meatballs :D went great omg i am so proud hahahahah

I and now i need airtime so i have to go and buy that and some friday candy!!! :D


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