swedish vacation
I arrived in sweden on monday after an horrible traintrip from arnhem to schipol (3.5h). Luckily the plane was just delayed 40min cus of the snow and it could have been much worse..

Holland from the air

When i landed dad picked me up and since the boat left later we stopped by the addidas outlet i found new shoes for zumba and a t-shirt.
At home mom started crying when i came ^^ she blamed it cus she didnt sleep well ofc.
I had the best salomon mom make and i was enjoying it allot!
Next day i went up at 8 to shower and get ready for my facial treatment and the best that morning where a full fridge! That i missed allot just go to a fridge that got stuff and eat what i want.
Big epic fridge

At our veranda it was uber much snow.

Durig the day after the facialtreatment i went around looking for some gifts and a new dress for me. Didnt find anything and around 15 i met up with amanda and we grabbed some coffie and sat there chatted for a while.
Later ln we met Saga and we went to amandas place where she lives with her boyfriend.There we talked even more and prepared for going out.
At 20 we went to mc donalds for dinner and after that we went to a bar to drink beer. When we where done with our beer we went to meet up some other friends unfortunatley they had to go after they said hi but was great seeing u all again Fanny, tuva and Louise. Li stayed longer wich was awesome and i really hope she can find a last minute flight for new year with me and the guys in bergen!
When they went we continued to anorther bar to see some people from the island was cool since we sat there chattet about summer that was. When that bar closed we went to another one and continued talking memories from preschool, its crazy how long we knew each other.
Its freezing outside around -15 so the bus signs goes crazy.

Today i´ve been to the hairdresser and freshened my hair up and it feels great!
After i had lunch with my bro and mom and then i went to my former mentor for my internship. We gotten close and she really is an inspiringa nd amazing person always postive and easy to talk to. I am so happy for her she told me she is pregnant. So big congratualation to you Anette!
Now im just chilling and im tired so im gonna sleep soon i think.

Holland from the air

When i landed dad picked me up and since the boat left later we stopped by the addidas outlet i found new shoes for zumba and a t-shirt.
At home mom started crying when i came ^^ she blamed it cus she didnt sleep well ofc.
I had the best salomon mom make and i was enjoying it allot!
Next day i went up at 8 to shower and get ready for my facial treatment and the best that morning where a full fridge! That i missed allot just go to a fridge that got stuff and eat what i want.
Big epic fridge

At our veranda it was uber much snow.

Durig the day after the facialtreatment i went around looking for some gifts and a new dress for me. Didnt find anything and around 15 i met up with amanda and we grabbed some coffie and sat there chatted for a while.
Later ln we met Saga and we went to amandas place where she lives with her boyfriend.There we talked even more and prepared for going out.
At 20 we went to mc donalds for dinner and after that we went to a bar to drink beer. When we where done with our beer we went to meet up some other friends unfortunatley they had to go after they said hi but was great seeing u all again Fanny, tuva and Louise. Li stayed longer wich was awesome and i really hope she can find a last minute flight for new year with me and the guys in bergen!
When they went we continued to anorther bar to see some people from the island was cool since we sat there chattet about summer that was. When that bar closed we went to another one and continued talking memories from preschool, its crazy how long we knew each other.
Its freezing outside around -15 so the bus signs goes crazy.

Today i´ve been to the hairdresser and freshened my hair up and it feels great!
After i had lunch with my bro and mom and then i went to my former mentor for my internship. We gotten close and she really is an inspiringa nd amazing person always postive and easy to talk to. I am so happy for her she told me she is pregnant. So big congratualation to you Anette!
Now im just chilling and im tired so im gonna sleep soon i think.