This morning Morris kindergarden had a kind of summerparty for all the parents and their children. Morris aske dme to come so i joined for fun, it was kind of stiff meeting every parent watched there kid play.
But it was cute and Morris seemed to enjoy it.
Lame quality on the pics but i didnt bring my good camera.

When i got back i went to the market to buy things for myself for tonight! I tell more later.
Then i went to the gym, for once it was allot of people there. At home 1,3 hours after i ate lunch and when the family was gone i cleaned my room, hahah was so messy!. Then i Jumped in the shower and had high music on and just sang loud and false in the shower!
Hope the kid´s parents that Andrea babysit this evening comes home early, then we are gonna party.
But it was cute and Morris seemed to enjoy it.
Lame quality on the pics but i didnt bring my good camera.

When i got back i went to the market to buy things for myself for tonight! I tell more later.
Then i went to the gym, for once it was allot of people there. At home 1,3 hours after i ate lunch and when the family was gone i cleaned my room, hahah was so messy!. Then i Jumped in the shower and had high music on and just sang loud and false in the shower!
Hope the kid´s parents that Andrea babysit this evening comes home early, then we are gonna party.