new camera ordered!
In a few minutes i will start with food.
Weekend plans, done!
After i was spending time with Andrea, it is our tradition drinking coffie, really cute guys that worked on the café hahah.
We planned the weekend and i will join her to amsterdam and party with her other Au pair friends. Going to be real fun we are gonna party all night untill the first train in the morning leaves!
So see ya maybe in the night of amsterdam?!
5.35 -..-
kick fun!
sunny walk

I went out in the sunny weather for a walk and to get lunch since i didnt really feel for making something. I went around in streets where i havent been was cool i found allot of sex shops and coffieshops that smelled weed. Thats diffrent from sweden.
I also went to media markt to look after a minicamera since my system camera is to big.
Think i am gonna buy this one from

snabba cash
I am so lucky sometimes!!
When i got back to the house i realized after searching like a maniac in my pockets after the keys that i forgot them in the storage lock where they keep the bike. So i paniced a bit and did allot of coursing for myself.. LUCKILY just after i texted Marthel that i cant get in the nighbour came never thought i could be so happy seeing a total stranger but damn she saved my day!!!
Now i just wait for the laundry to pop out from the laundry bag in the mashine and clean itself but i guess that wont happend so i have to do it myself soon blaaaaa hate making laundry......
hahah vampire suck

Tommorrow i am free and i am going to be that every monday in october!
fuck off

Sunday bloody sunday
To see a tsunami in your dream, means that you are being overwhelmed by some repressed feeling or unconscious material that is rising up to the surface. You are experiencing some unhappiness and emotional instability in a waking situation.
I think there is a point in that yes....
I had a great breakfast with porridge, strawberries and gojiberries together with Inca berries that i bought on the market yesterday.
Now i am busy studying on my dutch homework, it goes great!
home alone

I had a great evening alone! I ate chineese, sushi and chocolate dipped strawberries, watched "She´s out of my league" was a cute and funny movie.
Don´t feel for going out any more think I am gonna watch some tv and sleep.
But it was cute and Morris seemed to enjoy it.
Lame quality on the pics but i didnt bring my good camera.

When i got back i went to the market to buy things for myself for tonight! I tell more later.
Then i went to the gym, for once it was allot of people there. At home 1,3 hours after i ate lunch and when the family was gone i cleaned my room, hahah was so messy!. Then i Jumped in the shower and had high music on and just sang loud and false in the shower!
Hope the kid´s parents that Andrea babysit this evening comes home early, then we are gonna party.
cool video
have a look
My home in sweden

now autumn

I don´t miss my home ( oke i miss my big fridge because the one here is ubersmall) but i do miss eating salmon so i will make that next week with potatoes!
sonnesbeek park

When Morris woke up from his sleep we went to a big park for playing some tennis and fotball i liked that andso did he, will do that more times with him!
To get there I had to bike on a real busy road it was horrible everyone is biking like maniacs and cars from everywhere. BUT i am learning!
No I just got back from the store i wanted some loose weight candy but that store was closed so i found some chocolate covered nuts :D YUMMY
Soon i will start gaming!!
Nespresso <3
After the movie me and Morris did paperplanes and swedish loppa, my energy got lower so i made allot of planes and he throw them around. I sneaked away from him and made myself a huge cup of Nespresso coffie god it is delicious coffie all the time, compared to the filter coffie i make at home. The coffie is addictable so i am drinking it way to much.

I have no plans for the weekend at all quiet boring but what can i do ? I will be alone in the house saturday :D
mijn boek is naar huis!!hahah it is wrong spelled i know :P
Me and Andrea took a coffie at The grand Café in Arnhem city. I think we sat ther for 2 hours or something just chatting it was fun and allot of other people where there to so it was a quiet popular place with cute server guys^^
When we were done we went to H&M and looked there and to foot locker further on the street. But i realized later that i had forgot my bike at H&M so we had to go back to get it XD I always forget it stupid bike!! We got hungry so we ate at a place that sells all kind of sandwiches and bread called Bart´s. tasted great!
After that she took the train home and i went to the gym.
Now im back from the gym and i just made dinner Chilli con carne A´la Johanna, so easy to heat it up when it is dinner time and i don´t have to freak out becasue Morris is asking me to play games with me.
well well?
The dutch book i need for school tommorrow haven´t arrived yet so i will see how the cours is going, but what can i do? hahah
Earlier today i found a bunch of school that I consider applying here in holland since I think it can be fun and challanging study abroad.
Here are the link´s if someone else consider stydying design
I miss

I am getting crazy!!!
I want to figure out what i think is funniest, just wake up one day and know this i want to do.
The things i am thinking of doing is: industrial design, jewllery design, pruduct design, game design, animation.
it gets even harder when i look back on some of the things i made in school

After i left morris at the kindergarden i went to bed (lazy i know hahah but i was tired) now i will go get coffie.
another day completed
For dinner i made tortellini, to be honest i dont really like it ( but i never like to eat the things i cook even though it taste great, i just get full from making it) but it goes quick to make and i didnt feel for cooking something from skratch today.
Think i will watch a movie now...
first dutch cours day!
When i went there it was a mixed group but i found another au pair :D yey im not alone anymore. The class was ok and after me and the au pair i met went to the bank since i needed the bank account and a card. After we grabbed some coffie and talked, she was fun and nice to talk to.
After that i went to the gym and shop some dinner.
Soon i will start cleaning the kitchen and my room before i pick up morris.
Was an awesome weekend!
I arrived there saturday at around 18.00 I meet some of his friends and his 2 brothers. I was the only girl in the beginning so it was fun being sourrounded by guys is never wrong^^
Then we had dinner, fries with mayo, its delicious!
After one hour or so after starting a fire and making Erins already broken phone more broken XD me erin and dave1 (was 2 dave) started with beergame with not the same rules as in sweden much funnier. haha and one rule was called something with viking but in dutch and u had to have ur finger as a vikinghorn and the one on ur left and righ where supposed to paddle, and the rest was water and if u where the viking and pointed to somone did he/she become the viking.
later on more of his friends came and we were allot of people around th table being ridicilous and got more drunk. If i play that again with everyone i am brining my camera!
After 11 we went to the city and to a bar for more drinking was great. around 2 we went home to sleep and the awesome partynight was over!
gaming sunday
woke up pretty early Erins cat got in the room and ate my hair i hell dono why but she was cute except for when she did that XD we went up cleaning and after breakfast we gamed all day was really funny but in the end i sucked so bad i felt like a uber noob!
Now i will go to bed and sleep since i am a bit brak and when i arrived in arnhem again i ate on burger king fries since it was the only thing opened and it was good for the moment but now i feel worse.
soon i will jump in the shower eat some and get dressed to go to erin tonight!!
Now i had coffie and i am ready for the day, soon i will go in to town book a ticket for the train later on in the afternoon.
and! the sun is shining
baking, fietsen and lego

We made a tower

and chokladbollar
Today was fun and I think morris liked the day aswell. mostly he liked to bake. But also bike (fietsen) a little while to the store.
when his mom came home i became free! then i played Halo reach with my brother home in sweden that was funny!
Tommorrow i will go to erin and PARTY it´s going to be great.
Pippi Langkaus
I am tired morris woke up first at 6.00 and luckily he slept over but i had a hard time doing that, and when i did morris woke me up again.
well well we had breakfast and now he is watching pippi longstocking in dutch on my tv

when he is done with that we are going to make chokladbollar!
I will pick up morris soon and after that i will make dinner.
Later on when i left morris i went to volksuniversitet for the dutch cours, BUT no it was not today as the guy thuesday told me, it is next week!! So i stressed there for nothing.....
Going to the gym soon and then im gonna shop an awesome foundation from clinique that i was able to try.
food done!
I have been fixing the meny for a week, emailing about a dutch book, booking concert tickets, bought nailpolish, vaccumcleaned, imprignaded my new shoes and gamed a bit.
the food is just prepared and today i made up something with mashed potatoes, masalamix and hached meat, with that i will have fried vegtables
Soon weekend! time for PARTY!!!!

up even earlier! :O
oh and the dutch intro yesterday went great except for the rain and me not being used to bike in traffic. I went there got a paper talked to a guy and said goodbye. Going there thursday again for the real lesson!!!
Now i have just finnished vacumcleaning the house and its so big im exhusted XD I want to game but i have some things to do first, one of the things is to make a meny for the week which i dont mind since i like to cook.
Later i will go in to town a quickie to buy some stuff and go for a walk because the weather is awesome and i dont want to go to the gym today.
Morris thought he was really cool this morning with he´s cap so i took a picture of him to boost his ego
He is a really sweet boy and do all the things I manage to say in dutch!

dutch course intro
just want to say
Well enough of that i just stopped playing with Erin, and i prepared the dinner for tonight. Soon i will get Morris and later on I will go to the dutch course interview SO EXIDED!!! When i come back more gaming ^^

Going to game now!!
up early
at the gym it was not so muh people i was pretty much alone. When i was done at the gym I went to the gamingstore that is next to the gym! There i bought Halo Reach and a wireless network adapter.
Happy birthday Mario!

25 years of succes and without you I wouldn´t be this intrested in gaming as I am today so all respect to Mario and to my dad that bought Nintendo 64 when it came out and to my little brother that kept competing against me in allot of games!!
I am such a materialist XD
Luckily I found a pair after couples of hours!
I liked them allot they where comfy and good looking :D

Then I went to media markt to buy a Tv because i want to game in the evening with friends. I completly adore it!
tommorrow Halo reach comes out and i will buy it after the guy that looks after the heather has been here.

I choosed between this one and a smaller but i fell in love with this one <3
time for
Photoshoot with Tiffany Ismail, video is done!
The video that I am in is here it is (its me you see first)later i am under Johanna Lundberg
commercial for....
beer,, this is funny compared to all other commercial they send on tv. much more commercial than in sweden
Just bored

so i did some photoshop
The weekend! market, Groningen and nice people!
Here are some pictures:
Morris and his cousin Thys.

It was a market in Haren and of course they have cheese! <3

I found a really lovley house, want to live in a house like that when i get older!!!

The kids had lego and i couldnt help building with it when they where asleep ^^

I went with the bus to Groningen for some shopping and to look around.
It was a really nice city with allot of people and students.

MMMM I ate super good strawberries for lunch (amazing they still taste delicious here now since they are totally tastelss in sweden) and some nuts i bought in the market

The map of Groningen!

One of the markets.

hahahah judgement day is close watch out!XD

so while waiting for judgment day you can smoke weed XD

We also had a great dinner with good food and allot of talking, my dutch is getting better every week and I really like to be here in HOLLAND :D
good morning!
I will be reached on my phone untill sunday, they have no computer where im going so cya then!!
Caaars and Lego

I feel allot better now and I feel how my energy is going back in my body!!! :D
Before I picked up morris I made the dinner because it goes so much better cooking without him. When we got back to the house we played with Lego and his cars. We also draw some things but not so long.
good things

I love
well I dot care gonna eat a sandwich with peanutbutter on now and drink some coffie!! :D
feel sick it sucks

I am so tired I just wanna sleep but it is not even 20.00 so i rest on my desk while being on msn.
Soon a program about 9/11 starts i think i will watch that and fall asleep like I always do while watching TV.
The food I made for dinner went awesome i just made some random weird Lasange but they liked it allot so i am happy with that.
dont want to
I am super tired and just wanna sleep. Well going to albert hijn for grocery now and then pick up morris!
ik ben moe
I think i will just sit in the livingroom today and relax don´t wanna get sicker or first take care of the dish.
making food and litsen to music
His mom will come home later today so I will put him to bed aswell.
Now I am killing time and litsening to Buckcherry, gosh want to see them so badly in Taste of chaos tour together with Disturbed, Papa Roach and Halestorm. Anyone who wants to join me?????
Litsen and enjoy!!
now i will go to the gym that is really nice!!
lekker slapen en fitsen buiten
After we went out for some biking and when we came back we ate lunch and now he is asleep.
Fashion show and shoe search

I didn´t find any shoes I wanted so I went to look after a cheap tv so i will be able to play on my xbox soon.
One week
So far I have been seeing "living statues"

During my first work day everything went fine, the child I am looking after is called Morris and he really is adorable. Only problem is he speaks dutch and no english, sometimes it is a bit hard to understand. But i am learning and the 14th of september I will go to a dutch cours.

When I am free i go to the gym or work with my 3d program called Rhinoceros 4.0. the picture is my latest design.

Yesterday we went to the familys´s moms sister for BBQ and I also went quick to Utrecht, was a really cool city.