warm chocolade melk
Morris loves hot chocolate so i mostly makes it for him during my fridays with him. Now we are going soon to the libary and borrow some books, hope he choses them that isn´t the most complicated dutch in so i can read them without sounding like a person who just learned to read ^^
Tongight i am going to Zumba if the mother of him comes home before 19 when the zumba lesson starts.
Oh and mom sended my mic aswell for the xbox so im gonna buy new warriors of rock to gh and sing my heart out. ahh i want the guitar aswell but cant really affort it for the moment =/
Tongight i am going to Zumba if the mother of him comes home before 19 when the zumba lesson starts.
Oh and mom sended my mic aswell for the xbox so im gonna buy new warriors of rock to gh and sing my heart out. ahh i want the guitar aswell but cant really affort it for the moment =/