Bakkerij BART

yummyyyy I meet up with Andrea for lunch after her class and we went to a place called Bakkerij Bart and they absolutley got the best Panini´s ever! So we sat there and chatted for a while and then we went around a bit in Arnhem centrum before she took the train back to Zetten.

At home i looked up a hotel for me and Ida that will visit me from sweden tommorrow! Therfore the concert on thursday ends late so we stay over in Amsterdam one night.

Now i am just done with cleaning my otherwise really messy room (as always dono how i succed) and soon i will do the test for dutch.

the weekend in cold netherlands!

On saturday i went in the morning to Utreht with andrea becasue a school that i think seems intresting had open house. It was a great school and to only bad thing is that i have to speak fluent dutch so i am thinking of finding a work here next year after summer when i am done with au pairing.

After the school we went for lunch and some idiot spilled candle wax on my dune jacket...
Then we just walked around in the city we looked at some museum but they where expensive so we skipped going in.

Really beautiful with all the channals

we where in a church

A market did we also visit.

When we felt like we where done in Utrecht we took the train back to Arnhem and went around there and we went home to me to get my stuff. On our way to where i live we meet a group of swedish people so i talked to them a while and felt strange to speak swedish and meet swedish people just outside my door :P they as i guessed where going to Qlimax that was that weekend.

At Andrea it was pretty much chaos she had to babysit the kids so i joined her but she look after 3 kids and i am really happy i only got one. They where sweet but full of energy and not a single quiet minute..

On sunday she was going to rotterdam and  i went back to my place

Was all frost outside and really cold!

When i got back i went to the gym and did some cardio and 15min abtraining they have and i had 10 euros toeat for in the café so i sat there and took some drinks and yoghurt and after i went back to leave my stuff and go out shopping :D

I found some jeansleggings, a shirt and a cardigan and i love the store where i bought it in.


Me and morris had a fun day today but i am exhusted we made a pepparkakshus maybe not the most beutiful but he loved it

always why???

Im getting crazy ofc Morris is sick a bit and have a rinning nose. AND now i also got it thats the worst thing with my work i dont want to get sick ALL THE TIME

I love indoor action The gym i am going to is so great I hope i can continue go to it or find another awesome gym if we move!

Luckily we stay in Arnhem for another month so its going to be exhiting where i end up when i am bk from sweden.

Now i am going to sleep i am dead after the body attack workout i did at the gym

He really is cute

I sometimes love my work, it is hard in the mornings cus im not really a morning person but when im awake after some coffie and in a good mood i really like my work becasue Morris is really cute and always litsen to me.

This morning we made Lego towers and i made a different kind of tower and he said dat is gek  (thats crazy)and i answer yeah ik ben een kunstenaar (im an artist), and then he said ik ben ook en kunstenaar (im also an artist) and he also did a gek tower.

he began slowly and that is my tower


almost done


haha he got so sad when it got broken cus he was so proud he made it himself

Later today we went to the store and bought stuff for pepparkaksdegen!

On the picture he helps me with the dough for tommorrow.

i forgot to buy sugar and i didnt want to go all the way back to the store with him cus its far so with some creativity i solved the problem with a hammer and sugar blocks!
It worked!

Now he is alseep,


Today me and Morris is going to make pepparkaksdeg and tommorrow make a castle or house and other pepparkakor!

cougar town

I spent my afternoon watching cougar town and i love it. But now im just done eating and i am going to watch a movie and lay in bed cus im not feeling so well..

sometimes i wish i where i guy

lazy day

i did like nothing today, i got stumachache and its gonna be worse tommorrow...

A walk in Arnhem, photos

I took a walk in Arnhem and when i got home i fixed them in photoshop

muziek van nederland!

I dedicate this post with songs and artists from holland


i love sleeping in the mornings! I was gonna join Andrea and her friend to amsterdam but its been som e kind of fire in utrecht station so it takes 2.5h to get there so another day.

Dont really know what to do today except going to gym at 12.35 for 15 min abtraining and be there for a while.

Maybe i am going to the modekwartier here in arnhem also havent been there.

jag orkar inte

jag är så trött jag orkar inte...

so sweet

Yesterday morris was really sweet in a cute way..

I tasted a rasin with vla from his plate, and i where like naa ik vindt vla niet lekker. maar ik hou van rozintjes  ( i don like vla but i love rasins)
next time he saw a rasin in his plate with vla he put it in his mouth took the vla away and said alstublieft, je vind vla niet lekker (here you dont like vla)


my day has been really long, but fine. As i wrote before andrea came here for a while so i had a great time with her! She is so fun and sweet.

Later on i played with Morris, and now i just came back from the evening lesson. Was funnier today and everyone is sweet.

Now i am going to sleep soon weekend and i can sleep long!!!

Andrea is soon here!

yey i am going to be social today, Andea will come visit me after her class for some coffie.

Going to be fun have a break with the playing

I want!

I want chocolate so badly.... bad week incomming watch out!!!!!

so im gonna get it

ALBERT HIJN here i come!

haha awesome keyboard

Happy feet

ah such a cute movie i am watching it with morris in dutch now and i understand :D

2 weeks

work from 7-19 so i wont be writing so much beause i am busy allot.

going to be nice to come bk to sweden a while and get spoiled with love from my family and eat salomon again ^^

going to be dead

the follownig weeks will Morris be home with me, that is going to be a challange but also good for my dutch. S now more time in the evenings at the gym.

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