My friday with Morris was really funny, we played a while and before lunch we went out to go to the playground. But we went to far XD so after 20 min i started to think hmm this is not the right way. So we went all the way back and then we found it.

He played in the sandbox and we also drove some small cars you see on the picture.

In the evening we made an appeltaar to surprise his mom and dad was so funny cus he became so proud.

and i made a nice dinner, chicken with pesto sauce, potatoes and vegtables together with asparagus and parmesan cheese. Became really nice!

Duing saturday i was just home doing nothing because i felt for it. Or i did watch the end of Glee season 1 and played allot of xbox in the evening. I wasent in a party mood and i just feel like it is waste of money going out when i dont want to.

He played in the sandbox and we also drove some small cars you see on the picture.

In the evening we made an appeltaar to surprise his mom and dad was so funny cus he became so proud.

and i made a nice dinner, chicken with pesto sauce, potatoes and vegtables together with asparagus and parmesan cheese. Became really nice!

Duing saturday i was just home doing nothing because i felt for it. Or i did watch the end of Glee season 1 and played allot of xbox in the evening. I wasent in a party mood and i just feel like it is waste of money going out when i dont want to.
GOnna be
Better updating here but the last few days i havent been feeling for writing plus i have been usy watching over Morris all the time, but now after a horrible 7.5 h in a car from london yesterday i am finally home in arnhem!
London was great and hectic, to be honest london is not on my favourite list of citys beause i don´t like to shop when i have to fight with my elbows to look at stuff. But it is cool cus it is so much you can do and it is so big!
BUT i really hate the sub and the crowd there it is just too much for an archipelago raised girl like me that is used to few people^^
I also found out that the germany plans for christmas is screwed so i wont go there so we´ll see what i do.
I started to watch the serie Glee and i love it! SEE it! Ida think it fits me cus im also nerdy but its just fun XD
Mom sended my card a few days ago and now it arrived and i am so happy cus she also sended a new lovley wallet and a warm hat and my nailpolish so now i just made my nails!

now im talking to mom and i just had dinner. chili con carne
London was great and hectic, to be honest london is not on my favourite list of citys beause i don´t like to shop when i have to fight with my elbows to look at stuff. But it is cool cus it is so much you can do and it is so big!
BUT i really hate the sub and the crowd there it is just too much for an archipelago raised girl like me that is used to few people^^
I also found out that the germany plans for christmas is screwed so i wont go there so we´ll see what i do.
I started to watch the serie Glee and i love it! SEE it! Ida think it fits me cus im also nerdy but its just fun XD
Mom sended my card a few days ago and now it arrived and i am so happy cus she also sended a new lovley wallet and a warm hat and my nailpolish so now i just made my nails!

now im talking to mom and i just had dinner. chili con carne
I have been spending my day walking and looking in stores, was fun but i am totally dead now cus of the walking!
shopping soon!
But its sunday so shops doesnt open until 12 o clock =/well still got six hours so i think that is enough :D
Fuck fuck fuck we are stuck in london and i just wanna go home
Manwell hill

I went for a walk in the neighbourhood because i didnt feel for going to citycenter since it takes to long and we are going home to Arnhem soon. So to get to the little village i had to go upp for a huge hill but it was worth it because the view was amazing, well the shops sucked but i am going to save money for christmas and germany and i like to shop when noone else does :P hahah
Friday in london
Yesterday afternoon was really funny, i spend more time with Michelle, we went to covenant garden to look there and take a coffie break and hahah omg i saw the guy that i saw last time in london that keept saying "anybody lost?"
The guy to the left under the tree Maja you know what person i mean XD

We also took a break at startbucks and after that we went to look in a french connection outlet i found the nicest dress for party. Later on n the evening we went to see the movie called "The social Network" a movie about facebook and the creator.

It was really intresting and i would recomend it!

TIme square did we pass while we where looking for a place to eat dinner and we walked and walked to find a place endlessly we found place called burger and Co
I havent eated salomon since i left sweden so i was pretty much in a need for eating that and the only thing the had with salomon was a salad so that it became

So when i came back in the house i was exhusted cus i had to walk back home from the sub.
The guy to the left under the tree Maja you know what person i mean XD

We also took a break at startbucks and after that we went to look in a french connection outlet i found the nicest dress for party. Later on n the evening we went to see the movie called "The social Network" a movie about facebook and the creator.

It was really intresting and i would recomend it!

TIme square did we pass while we where looking for a place to eat dinner and we walked and walked to find a place endlessly we found place called burger and Co
I havent eated salomon since i left sweden so i was pretty much in a need for eating that and the only thing the had with salomon was a salad so that it became

So when i came back in the house i was exhusted cus i had to walk back home from the sub.
Not so active
Well i am busy here allot and i don´t have so much time to write and when i have i am exhusted, so yesterday i went to bed early after i watched Shrek 4, it was really funny! I was exhusted because i have been playing outside for 6 hours with morris in some playground.
Today i dont really know what to do yet but i will maybe go in to london and do some shopping, the bad thing is i am not in shopping mood at all.
Today i dont really know what to do yet but i will maybe go in to london and do some shopping, the bad thing is i am not in shopping mood at all.
new xbox live
hmm when i signed in on my webaccount on xbox live it was all new so i am curious to see how the dashboard looks like when i get back home.
Soon i have to make pancakes
Soon i have to make pancakes
Lucky and and unlucky
They found my card in France but they sended it to england and in england they cut my card
i hate that i make unneccecary problems my fucking Visa card is gone.
Sun and rain in london
This morning was really great and the sun was shining. Plus a got to sleep a bit longer than normal! After breakfast i went with morris and his dad to a really big playground in a park.

Starbucks with Michelle! was great to see her again!

Crazy they already do commercial for christmas candy! Horrible

It started to rain like hell and i actually bought an umbrella for the first time of my life
Later on we ate at some thai fastfood place witch was really good but the cashier girl looked like she was really unhappy workig there. After that it got late so we decided to say goodbye. But i might come back in december again!
It took ages for me to get back to the house because first it took like 20 min with subway and then 40 min walk because i took a detour didnt want to take the shortcut via a creepy wood in the evening.
Only bad thing is a lost my VISA card -.- If i am really lucky i will find it in the car.

Starbucks with Michelle! was great to see her again!

Crazy they already do commercial for christmas candy! Horrible

It started to rain like hell and i actually bought an umbrella for the first time of my life
Later on we ate at some thai fastfood place witch was really good but the cashier girl looked like she was really unhappy workig there. After that it got late so we decided to say goodbye. But i might come back in december again!
It took ages for me to get back to the house because first it took like 20 min with subway and then 40 min walk because i took a detour didnt want to take the shortcut via a creepy wood in the evening.
Only bad thing is a lost my VISA card -.- If i am really lucky i will find it in the car.
Grote speeltuin
Me and morris will play in a big playground this morning unitill lunch because after lunch i will go and meet michelle!
After 6.5 hours in a car we arrived in london. We started around 8 in the morning and was there late lunch time. When we got here we went out to play in the park me and morris while his dad went back working
Now i am chillin with my laptop and half sleeping, tommorrow i am going to meet michelle!
Now i am chillin with my laptop and half sleeping, tommorrow i am going to meet michelle!
everything is packed
I got everything with me for london and we are going with the the car so it will take around 5-7 hours. I bring my laptop cus i have to study so i will let you all know how it goes there ^^
Sleep well cus that is what i am going to do now!
Sleep well cus that is what i am going to do now!
My room is cleaner than ever

My desk with my super asus G73JH!! <3

i can see the floor! hahah when we move i will go to ikea to buy some stuff, little lame to have the tv on the floor and my xbox on a shoebox XD

My bed and clothes want a bigger bed! but that one is comfy
Now i am done with cleaning my room and i dont really know what to do.
I love eating breakfast in the morning and i must say that is my favourite meal. I woke up early enought to eat with my host family, haven´t done that for a while since i always sleep long on sundays. or every morning when i can.
Now i am going to clean but i don´t really feel for it.
Now i am going to clean but i don´t really feel for it.
Ahh i am so tired, going to watch some tv and sleep. Have to do allot tommorrow. like pack and clean =/
i got my drug and it is strawberries I love holland for having great strawberries now!!!
Gonna watch miss congeniality now with Sandra Bullock Gosh she is great actress Love her
Gonna watch miss congeniality now with Sandra Bullock Gosh she is great actress Love her
London monday
just found out i am going to london with morris and his father on monday! Will be cool with some enviroment change.
poker playing, Meatballs making and entertaining Morris
today i did allot of things after morris went in bath we played with his train and a hut he made and we prike (that is some kind of creative thing you do with a sharp stick and paper and you prik around a figure and the paint it) hard to desribe.
We also played some more after lunch i wanted him to sleep so he will not be grumpy. Didnt work so i put him infront of Madagascar 2. While he watched that i played some poker for the money i won when netherlands won over sweden (i did bet on tie aswell so didnt fully let down my homecountry) was fun to play poker.
After that we went to AH for shopping some dinner, went great and when we got back we made some figures out of paper and tejp. After that i make for the first time in my life meatballs :D went great omg i am so proud hahahahah
I and now i need airtime so i have to go and buy that and some friday candy!!! :D
We also played some more after lunch i wanted him to sleep so he will not be grumpy. Didnt work so i put him infront of Madagascar 2. While he watched that i played some poker for the money i won when netherlands won over sweden (i did bet on tie aswell so didnt fully let down my homecountry) was fun to play poker.
After that we went to AH for shopping some dinner, went great and when we got back we made some figures out of paper and tejp. After that i make for the first time in my life meatballs :D went great omg i am so proud hahahahah
I and now i need airtime so i have to go and buy that and some friday candy!!! :D
Early friday
Up at 7.00 but i am getting used to that now so it is ok, my nose still hurts but it is getting better so this weekend i will just be home and take it easy, think i am going to do all laundry and boring stuff like cleaning and then game all weekend or watch movies. I might also be a bit creative with my drawing and 3d modelling.
Morris is in bath now and he likes to play in there so i wont stop him.
Morris is in bath now and he likes to play in there so i wont stop him.
HALO reach

I havent played for a while and i forgot how fun it was! <3<3<3<3
Soon 2 good releases Can´t w8 for Fable 3 and COD black ops!!!!! <3<3<3<3
When i am sick i get unsocial
this morning
Was horrible, Morris was so tired that he just sat in the couch staring and he was grumpy and refused to talk. Ofc he was early up aswell around 6 -.-
Luckily i got him dressed andto kindergarden on time. when i got back i started to watch a movie but i fell asleep.
Luckily i got him dressed andto kindergarden on time. when i got back i started to watch a movie but i fell asleep.
Tired little Morris
I made dinner ad i thought everything where so quiet so when dinner was ready i called for Morris but no answer, went to the livingroom and there he was sleeping on the couch. I was like noooo he will be grumpy when i wake him up. But i had to since he had to eat a bit. Unfortunatley his mom came late but it ended alright.
I talked to the mom in the family about my hurting nose area and she said i got some kind of infection so tommorrow i will buy some special nose spray becasue i can´t stand it anymore it brings me down allot.
My mom from sweden sended me right on time a package with Marabou "Choklad och mandel" chocolate and a magazine so i am really happy now! :D

I talked to the mom in the family about my hurting nose area and she said i got some kind of infection so tommorrow i will buy some special nose spray becasue i can´t stand it anymore it brings me down allot.
My mom from sweden sended me right on time a package with Marabou "Choklad och mandel" chocolate and a magazine so i am really happy now! :D

I am learning
To cook and i actually like it, i can make things without following a stupid recipie that mom always tells me to do, it kills the creativity..
So on today´s meny is chicken soup with mushrooms and long green beans and potatoes and a hint of redcurry flavour ,think i will put pictures on it later, i tasted it and it was good!
When i get my card again and can buy food i will make chicken balls with couscous and cold hummus
So on today´s meny is chicken soup with mushrooms and long green beans and potatoes and a hint of redcurry flavour ,think i will put pictures on it later, i tasted it and it was good!
When i get my card again and can buy food i will make chicken balls with couscous and cold hummus
Card trouble
this is not my best day, yesterday i realized i forgot my VISA code to my card since i havent used it for a while becasue of my dutch card from ING. So i tried a few times and ofc i didnt remember in 3 times. Well Today i talked to mom about it and i just called the bank, the had great new they will send me a new code to my parents house in swe in 2-3 days :D so if i go to London next week i am not broke!!!
I am getting sick of having a nose full with snort so i can barlely breeth. Plus i forgot my code to my VISA card since i havent used it for a while...
Now i will watch a movie and lay in bed. Want to get better.
Oh i might go to London next week!! :D
Now i will watch a movie and lay in bed. Want to get better.
Oh i might go to London next week!! :D
Zweden VS Nederland
I am going to watch Holland vS sweden soon, i bet on tie and win for holland but i cheer for sweden ^^
Sometimes i Miss school
Yeah sounds horrible but i do miss our Industrial design classes, I AM BEING SO CREATIVE i just want to do stuff with my hands i got Ideas but i dont know what to do with them.
Luckily soon i will look up some design schools here and see what i am going to apply for next year!
Luckily soon i will look up some design schools here and see what i am going to apply for next year!
It is cold :/
When i went out through the door today I felt a real chilly breeze and thought nonononono it can´t be cold now I dont want that. But unfourtunatly it is.. After i left Morris on the kindergarden i went to the dutch class with a rinning nose and a tired body.
Oh haha morris where so cute this morning, i had a stamp markf from the club this weekend and then he went upstairs while i got dressed and when i got back and saw him he looked so proud and said in dutch "Ik heb ook en tekening op mijn hand" (my sweet dutch friends correct me if that was wrong) ^^ So cute.
The class went ok even though i couldn´t really focus.
Now i just talked to mom and everything was alright with her, I am getting a bit hungry now so i will eat some. Then i have to clean my room cus it is a MESS!
Oh haha morris where so cute this morning, i had a stamp markf from the club this weekend and then he went upstairs while i got dressed and when i got back and saw him he looked so proud and said in dutch "Ik heb ook en tekening op mijn hand" (my sweet dutch friends correct me if that was wrong) ^^ So cute.
The class went ok even though i couldn´t really focus.
Now i just talked to mom and everything was alright with her, I am getting a bit hungry now so i will eat some. Then i have to clean my room cus it is a MESS!
ah my cold is back and i feel sick again, well i am going to watch a movie and get better, so i can study later on my dutch.
ik ben BRAK!!!
OMg im totally dead today, my head hurts but its worth it yesterday was great ALLOT OF DANCING *and drinking * the place we went to was called de radstake and it was huge 5 different dancefloors with all different kind of music.
The one we like most where, but the others where great aswell

haha kinda funny cus in swedish you could translate that to stone penis XD
We danced

and tequila

and more dance!!

mm pizza for dinner today this sunday XD hahah regret i ate it cus now i feel like i wanna throw up well it was good for the moment !!

Sleep soon
oh i watched a real funny movie called Get him to the Greek, SEE ITTTTT!!!'
Plus i found out one more bad thing about holland =/ everything is closed sunday it is dead i wanted milk for my coffie but no i biked for nothing to the store.....
Soon to Lilly
Everything is packed for tonight the only thing i have to do is go to train station and go to Lilly.
Charging my batteries
I actually thought this day would never end... I just ate dinne and i feel slightly better than this morning luckily so soon i will lekker slapen so i will be able to go to Lilly tommorrow, will be fun and i am looking forward to it :D
Gonna watch a movie now and fall asleep! :D
Gonna watch a movie now and fall asleep! :D
wish this day ends
During the night i have been sleeping really bad, i had hard to breath, feber and i needed to throw up. so not much sleep for me, wich i feel now i am exhusted and of course morris woke up at 7.00. I was suposed to go to a friend tonight but i will tommorrow when i am well rested not fun for either of us if i feel like crap.
Morris is in bath now and i am enjoying some peace and quiet.
Fable 3 out soon!
Morris is in bath now and i am enjoying some peace and quiet.
Fable 3 out soon!
Good night everyone gonna sleep early sice i want to feel better tommorrow! And sleeping always helps me
New phone
Today i have been feeling like shit. My head´s been aching and i had no strenght at all in my body. After the class i went with Andrea (she was also feeling bad) to take some coffie and after i went to buy a new phone :D A samsung with touch screen, really cool one! Comment your number =)
Later we went home to her place gosh she had a huge house and really fancy. There we checked how where able to get to Germany from arnhem. Really easy we go one hour with train from arnhem to dusseldorf centrum and from there we fly 1 more hour to the place where the final destination is. Going to be really great!
Later we went home to her place gosh she had a huge house and really fancy. There we checked how where able to get to Germany from arnhem. Really easy we go one hour with train from arnhem to dusseldorf centrum and from there we fly 1 more hour to the place where the final destination is. Going to be really great!
My body is soaring and i wish i never went to that body pump yesterday, but it was great workout and i must have got some muscles from it cus of all the pain XD
So typical when i want to talk to my mom she is not online...
I have been looking for a phone today and that is why i have to talk to mom since mine maybe was having an insuarance...
So typical when i want to talk to my mom she is not online...
I have been looking for a phone today and that is why i have to talk to mom since mine maybe was having an insuarance...
R.I.P phone
My mobile is not alive anymore, crap! I have to buy a new one but i dont know what phone to buy.
Gosh this day went really fast and now i just got back from the gym again, I was supposed to go on a zumba lesson but i was one hour tp early cus i looked wrong in the sceduale. So to kill time i went on something called bodypump OMG it was the hardest thing i done so far on the gym.But it was cool IM GONNA HAVE SUCH A SOARING BODY TOMMORROW!!!!!
The weekends plans are done aswell going with a girl called Lilly to a huge party/disco/club near her place. Going to be great!
The weekends plans are done aswell going with a girl called Lilly to a huge party/disco/club near her place. Going to be great!
Christmas in Germany!!
This day is going really smooth, I left Morris at the kindergarden as usual and it went fine. The dutch class went great aswell.
After i had coffie with Andrea as usual and she invited me to spend christmas and new years eve with her relatives that is around the same age as us in Germany so i will join her for that! So fun to celebrate Christmas in another way than usual. So i long for that, we will on thursday plan more becasue i am going back with her to her place after the class to see what the best way is to get to germany from Arnhem. There in germany we will rent a house with 10 people or more and just party for a week!
Now i just got back from the Gym, its my last week there =/ well i will probably pay for another month since we are not moving yet.
After i had coffie with Andrea as usual and she invited me to spend christmas and new years eve with her relatives that is around the same age as us in Germany so i will join her for that! So fun to celebrate Christmas in another way than usual. So i long for that, we will on thursday plan more becasue i am going back with her to her place after the class to see what the best way is to get to germany from Arnhem. There in germany we will rent a house with 10 people or more and just party for a week!
Now i just got back from the Gym, its my last week there =/ well i will probably pay for another month since we are not moving yet.
Latest painting

Photoshop variation 1

Variant 3

Sorry for dubble but something got wrong XD
walking in sunshine
It is such beutiful weather here 23 degrees!! I was going for a walk and of couse the walk went to centrum and the stores^^ I got inspired by one of the girls i meet in the weekend that had made a photoalbum with pics of her time in holland and i am going o do that aswell. So i bought some stuff for that^^
Now i am going to study some dutch
Now i am going to study some dutch
Tired but im free! :D
Woke up with headache and thought "im so happy i dont have to work today"
Oh and Andrea had some photos so here are some more from the weekend in Amsterdam

Happy hour 2 drinks for one^^

I m reaching for ..... water...?! ah yeah dont like whine

My new camera!! i love it!

the girls!

Since the birthday girl lise lived in Delft we took a little detour to amsterdam but it was cool!
Today i will take it easy, maybe go out in the sun.
Oh and Andrea had some photos so here are some more from the weekend in Amsterdam

Happy hour 2 drinks for one^^

I m reaching for ..... water...?! ah yeah dont like whine

My new camera!! i love it!

the girls!

Since the birthday girl lise lived in Delft we took a little detour to amsterdam but it was cool!
Today i will take it easy, maybe go out in the sun.
Me, Andrea and her friend Lica went to meet some other girls in Delft.In Delft we got really good food that the birthday girl lise made!

We just arrived in Amsterdam!

I prefer beer but it was happy hour on only drinks^^

Mayo and fries is the best!
was a great night!

We just arrived in Amsterdam!

I prefer beer but it was happy hour on only drinks^^

Mayo and fries is the best!
was a great night!
Here comes pictures from when i was wit Morris in the park and from our baking.

wa really cool day and he liked is aswell i think we where in the park for 3 hours

wa really cool day and he liked is aswell i think we where in the park for 3 hours
Amsterdam today
Soon i am going to get dressed and start my journey to amsterdam. Don´t really know what to wear yet but i will found something out. Think same clothes i had when i Partied with Erin and his friends. Skirt and top. SInce the dresses i got shows waaayyy to much XD. So that i will save for another time.
Photos from yesterday and the day with Morris will i post on sunday when im home from Amsterdam.
PLUS my camera arrived so i will take that one with me and make partypictures of course!
Photos from yesterday and the day with Morris will i post on sunday when im home from Amsterdam.
PLUS my camera arrived so i will take that one with me and make partypictures of course!
I like to move it, movie it
hahah morris is singing on the toilet "i like to movie it move it" from the movie Madagascar2. So funny
We just made the chokladbollar done and he is suposed to take a nap.
We just made the chokladbollar done and he is suposed to take a nap.
Coffie without coffiemashine and Lego, that was my yesterday
I wasent able to write yesterday evening since the internet didnt´t work, so here are some photos of what me and morris did yesterday afternoon
We mostly play with Lego!

Since i was so tired and the Nespresso is finnished i came up with a way to make coffie without a coffiemaker :D

All you need is a high glass, coffiefilter, coffie and a hairstrap thingie, thne you poor boiled water over it and wait. im surprised how well it became!

Today Morris and I are going to make chokladbollar again! But now he is watching a movie.
We mostly play with Lego!

Since i was so tired and the Nespresso is finnished i came up with a way to make coffie without a coffiemaker :D

All you need is a high glass, coffiefilter, coffie and a hairstrap thingie, thne you poor boiled water over it and wait. im surprised how well it became!

Today Morris and I are going to make chokladbollar again! But now he is watching a movie.